Author: Adam Bockler


I Walk 10,000 Steps A Day. Does That Count As My Exercise?

“Gotta get my steps in today.” “I didn’t exercise, but at least I got my steps.” “How many steps are you at today?” Chances are that you or someone you know is seemingly obsessed with their step count. To me, it’s as if they didn’t achieve 10,000 steps, they would be struck down by the […]

DDPY Safety Zone

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Safety Zone

The final posture in the DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen is actually the 13th movement (Dallas was never very good at math). It’s called Safety Zone. Safety Zone is more traditionally known as Child’s Pose. Unlike the other movements in the DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen, Safety Zone is meant to slow down your heart rate. It’s […]

DDPY Dynamic Resistance Punches

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Dynamic Resistance Punches

There’s very few ways I can think of to relieve stress than to punch something. Or, at least, envision punching something. That’s why I love the DDP Yoga Dynamic Resistance Punches so much. I feel like I’m obliterating anything in front of me while I do it. Invariably, I’m asked the question about how to […]

DDPY Dynamic Resistance Rows

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Dynamic Resistance Rows

This DDP Yoga position might be my favorite in the DDPY Diamond Dozen because I think it’s often underrated for its effectiveness. This is the Dynamic Resistance Row. How To Do DDP Yoga DR Rows You’ve already mastered Dynamic Resistance and Supported Lunge. Now, it’s time to add a new challenge. Stop by for yoga […]

DDPY Dynamic Resistance Cables and Curls

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Dynamic Resistance Cables and Curls

It’s often said that DDP Yoga gets your heart pumping by just standing still, with no running, jumping, or lifting involved. My personal favorite way to demonstrate that is with DR Curls. How To Do Dynamic Resistance Curls You already know how to get dynamic resistance going from Ignition. In case you need a reminder, […]

DDPY Road Warrior

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Road Warrior 1 and 2

Oh, what a rush! It’s time to talk about a staple in nearly any yoga system: Warrior 1 and Warrior 2. The difference in DDP Yoga is that Dallas renamed them to be Road Warrior 1 and Road Warrior 2 in honor of one of the greatest tag teams in pro wrestling history, the Road […]

DDPY Supported Lunge into Runners Lunge

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Supported Lunge Into Space Shuttle

One of my all-time favorite exercises is the lunge. That might be why I like the DDP Yoga Supported Lunge Into Space Shuttle position in the DDPY Diamond Dozen so much. The Benefits of Lunges Much like the Push-up, the lunge features a whole host of benefits. Lunges strengthen, shape, and sculpt your lower body. […]

DDPY Dynamic Resistance Pushup

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Slow-Burn Push-Ups

One of the most dreaded exercises—in my experience, at least—is the push-up. Push-ups, I think, are deceptively intimidating. They taunt you by saying, “But I’m just a bodyweight exercise!” Then, as you get into your plank set-up, you start to realize that your arms are bearing a good deal of your weight. You start to […]

DDPY Cat Lift and Cat Arch

DDP Yoga Diamond Dozen: Table Into Cat Stretch Into Broken Table

Before you get intimidated and think this is too many moves to do at once, you’re right—there’s a lot in this sequence. However, you begin and end on all fours. Plus, it feels great once you do it. It’s another total-body maneuver in the DDPY Diamond Dozen. In this sequence, I’ll explain how you go […]